Monday, January 28, 2013

Winter Research Unit, Day 5

  1. Students will use technology to publish writing.
  2. Students will use technology to collaborate with one another on their project.
  3. Students will present a multimedia presentation to the class.
  4. Students will create a bibliography (works cited) page for their presentation.
Essential Skills: 
  1. Students will be able to use the information gathered during research to organize a powerpoint presentation.
  2. Students will be able to use technology to collaboratively publish writing.
  3. Students will record source information using MLA format.
I Can Statements:
  • I can use technology to publish writing.
  • I can show relationships between information and ideas.
  • I can use technology to collaborate with peers.
  • I can cite sources and produce a bibliography.
IPI: Level 6
Bloom's: Level 4

Task List:
  1. Students will work on preparing their winter holiday presentations. Note: Students must present using either prezi or Google presentations.

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